Do you want to meditate, but can't seem to do it on your own?
Do you want to feel more joy?
Do you want to know yourself better, accept yourself more, be your genuine self?
Do you want to be kinder and more compassionate with yourself?
Join Jean Vitrano for the first 6 Week Online Segment of A Mindful Life.
This series gives you the structure to practice the tools you most likely already know will help you to live with more presence, ease, and happiness, but often get pushed aside for later, which rarely comes. Each week for six weeks, you will have access to audio exercises in 1) mindfulness meditation, 2) gratefulness, 3) self-kindness and loving-kindness, 4) Focusing.
This will be your dedicated space to listen to yourself, observe, reflect, and have space to be just as you are. It gives you precious time with yourself to remember what matters to you and to know what is alive in you. When we live from this place, life is so much more rich.
Main Tools in A Mindful Life 6 Week Series
- Mindfulness meditation. You will be given the basic instructions to mindfulness meditation and each week will contain a downloadable guided audio meditation.
- Gratefulness. Each week you will be given a specific practice to contemplate on gratitude. It won’t be pushing gratitude on you, as if you “should” be grateful, but will invite you to enjoy what is around the specific topic. Gratitude brings more joy. We can train ourselves in this.
- Loving-Kindness and Self-Kindness. There will be an emphasis on choosing kindness and having the intention of wishing kindness for ourselves and others. This will come in the form of guided exercises and meditations. We can find a kinder, gentler way of being with ourselves and others.
- Focusing. Jean will bring in a weekly topic and will ask a series of deepening questions for you to explore. She will guide you into your body to get a whole body awareness of what might be present. This will be a way for you to get to observe, to hear your needs, to know yourself better by diving in and asking yourself to stay with what is present underneath a subject.
The Format of the Series
New units will be released every 7 days for 6 weeks from the date you enroll. Once enrolled, you retain unlimited access to the course. Each lesson will offer roughly one hour of material to work with, including a weekly video introduction, followed by 4-5 audio recordings (most of which are downloadable, and a communal discussion board. You will be able to come back to the exercises when needed in the future. Some of the instruction will take you on guided inner journeys and some will involve some writing.
What Students Will Receive
- Over 4 hours of guided exercises
- Over 15 downloadable guided meditations and Focusing practices.
- Unlimited access to the course anytime, anywhere (start the series when you are ready)
- Discussion forums where you can write in your reflections and ask questions of Jean
- A downloadable list of loving-kindness phrases that you can refer to
Who Might Benefit?
- Do you feel you don’t have time for yourself?
- Do you want someone to guide you in practices that will help you live with more presence, awareness, kindness and joy?
- Do you want to feel more connected to yourself and to be more of your genuine self?
- Do you struggle with negative thinking, anxiety or anger?
- Do you find yourself to be overly controlling and unable to go with the flow?
- Do you find yourself to be judgmental (of yourself and/or others)?
If you answered “yes,” please join me on this path! The continued practice of the tools in this series may gradually transform how you move through the world.
What's In A Mindful Life
Six Week Segment 1
Welcome to Week One of A Mindful Life
- Introduction to A Mindful Life Series FREE PREVIEW
- Basic Meditation Instructions
- Daily Guided Meditation
- Gratitude Practice: The Week Before You
- Focusing With What You Would Like To Nurture
- Loving-Kindness Practice
- Sample Loving-kindness Phrases
Welcome to Week Two of A Mindful Life
- Welcome to Week Two
- Guided Meditation
- Gratitude With Our Relationships
- Focusing With Patience
- Guided Loving -Kindness Meditation
Welcome to Week Three of A Mindful Life
- Welcome to Week Three
- Guided Meditation
- Gratitude Practice With Our Body
- Focusing on Resilience
- Closing Guided Meditation Touching & Sensing
Welcome to Week Four of A Mindful Life
- Welcome to Week Four
- Guided Meditation
- Gratitude Practice on Feeling Full
- Focusing With Acceptance
- Closing Loving-Kindness Meditation
Welcome to Week Five of A Mindful Life
- Welcome Week 5
- Guided Meditation
- Gratitude/Loving-Kindness Practice With Our Accomplishments
- Focusing With Letting Go
- Loving-Kindness Practice on Letting Go
Welcome to Week Six of A Mindful Life
- Welcome Week 6
- RAIN Meditation Instructions
- Guided Meditation
- Gratitude For The Small Things
- Focusing With Meaning/Purpose
- Loving-Kindness Practice

Helped me move toward genuine growth and change.

I have learned a lot about myself and gained many tools to slow down, and to give myself some space from the noise and stress of daily life.
--Wendy, Maplewood, NJ

I haven't looked back since.

An incredible way to start the week.

Transformed my life